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Beta cluster not updating MW code
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Specifically, MediaWiki's version says "1.26alpha (c32e5fd) 13:32, 12 August 2015" and Flow's says "1.1 (e62cb0b) 01:03, 12 August 2015". The current UTC time is 22:38, 13 August 2015, so MW core is about 33 hours behind and Flow about 46 hours.

Event Timeline

Catrope raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
Catrope updated the task description. (Show Details)
Catrope subscribed.

21:35:00 5 hosts had sync_wikiversions errors

bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 subscribed.

The shared ssh-agent used for scap had not been given a key following the server restart yesteerday. Fixed with sudo -u keyholder env SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/keyholder/agent.sock ssh-add /etc/keyholder.d/mwdeploy_rsa. The password needed for the key can be found in deployment-puppetmaster.deployment-prep:/var/lib/git/labs/private/files/ssh/tin/mwdeploy_rsa.passphrase

Change 231442 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis):
Return super().main() when overriding AbstractSync.main()

Change 231442 merged by jenkins-bot:
Return super().main() when overriding AbstractSync.main()

That failed again for some random reason and @bd808 trick above fixed it. I am wondering whether we could autoload the key when the server start.

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