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Editing an empty Flow board description (that has previously contained a category?) gives "Previous revision identifier is missing"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If I edit an empty board description, and click "Save description", I get the message Previous revision identifier is missing

m7RNFj9.png (569×600 px, 45 KB)

Reproduced at

If I blank an existing description, that does Not cause the bug to appear.
However used to have a description until 2 days ago, so that's odd...

Ah, I replicated part of the edits from Talk:Sandbox at by adding [[Category:Flow|*]] and then deleting it, and now that page is also suffering the bug.

Event Timeline

Quiddity raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Quiddity updated the task description. (Show Details)
Quiddity subscribed.
Quiddity renamed this task from Editing an empty Flow board description gives "Previous revision identifier is missing" to Editing an empty Flow board description (that has previously contained a category?) gives "Previous revision identifier is missing".Aug 26 2015, 5:44 PM
Quiddity set Security to None.

In betalabs it happens only when a board description has a template(any template) and that template was deleted and 'Save changes' was clicked:

  1. Delete a content from a board descirption.
  2. In wikitext mode - add [[Category:Flow|*]] - click on 'Save description'

The following error is displayed:
[32ec9d4d] Exception Caught: Row has null primary key:

In Console: Uncaught Error: offset -1 is out of bounds @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c… @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c… @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:166ve.ce.Surface.handleLinearDelete @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:410ve.ce.Surface.onDocumentKeyDown @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:366ve.EventSequencer.callListener @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:44ve.EventSequencer.onEvent @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:41ve.EventSequencer.pendingCalls @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:39jQuery.event.dispatch @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scripts&skin=vector&version=3vxc1Hwb:65jQuery.event.add.elemData.handle @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scripts&skin=vector&version=3vxc1Hwb:60

Uncaught Error: Invalid start offset: -1ve.Document.selectNodes @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c… @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c… @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:158ve.ui.LinearContext.getRelatedSources @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:470ve.ui.LinearContext.isInspectable @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c…:470ve.ui.LinearContext.afterContextChange @ load.php?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flow.editors.none|ext.flow.visualEditor|ext.visualEditor.c… @ VM3297:116

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 12.44.53 PM.png (415×395 px, 39 KB)

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 12.51.09 PM.png (605×399 px, 67 KB)

If I blank an existing description, that does Not cause the bug to appear.

I thought that it was never allowed to create Flow pages in production with an empty board description. If at some point, an empty board description was created and then it was disallowed, it might explain 'Previous revision identifier is missing".

I thought that it was never allowed to create Flow pages in production with an empty board description.

No, you can still create it by creating a topic.

Change 234135 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mooeypoo):
Populate the Description data model even if content is empty

Change 234135 merged by jenkins-bot:
Populate the Description data model even if content is empty

DannyH triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Aug 27 2015, 5:02 PM
DannyH subscribed.

In betalabs it happens only when a board description has a template(any template) and that template was deleted and 'Save changes' was clicked:

  1. Delete a content from a board descirption.
  2. In wikitext mode - add [[Category:Flow|*]] - click on 'Save description'

The following error is displayed:
[32ec9d4d] Exception Caught: Row has null primary key:

Filed as T110390: Exception Caught: Row has null primary key.

In Console: Uncaught Error: offset -1 is out of bounds

Filed as T110393: VE error editing board description.

Checked in betalabs. Since other bugs were filed separately T110390: Exception Caught: Row has null primary key T110393: VE error editing board description - this issue was just verified for new empty board to which [[Category:Flow|*]] was added.

Also, empty new boards were tested for links/mention.

Re-checked in betalabs - the specific error is not present anymore.