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Disambiguation gadget doesn't works on nor
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The disambiguation tool that is used on,, and,,, aren't working since weeks ago. That tool marks disambiguation links at articles and it's very useful for all users on that wikis.

Event Timeline

Elisardojm raised the priority of this task from to High.
Elisardojm updated the task description. (Show Details)
Elisardojm added a project: Community-Tech.

Could you elaborate what "aren't working" means?
Are there any errors in the web browser's console (see documentation for Firefox ≥24, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera)?

The disambiguation tool maks in yellow article links that linked to a disambiguation page. If you try that page,, the link to "Xoán" should be marked in yellow, but it doesn't.

After T10339 was fixed, itwiki switched to a much simpler CSS version: (it doesn't follow redirects, though)

After = was opened, @Superzerocool has fixed it completely for eswiki (thanks!), and currently it also seems to be working in glwiki, at least for @Elisardojm's example and also in all of my tries. I wait for him to confirm that and close this as solved.

Yes, I think that in works well too.

I wish more wikis would adopt the solution used by itwiki ( It's silly to be firing all these AJAX requests for information that is now embedded in the article. It's also a lot more fragile (as this bug attests).

I wish more wikis would adopt the solution used by itwiki ( It's silly to be firing all these AJAX requests for information that is now embedded in the article. It's also a lot more fragile (as this bug attests).

Yes, but it only works on direct links to disambiguation pages, not on their redirects.

kaldari claimed this task.