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Convert reflinks to requests
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description is one of the few scripts still using urllib2. It should be possible to achieve the same functionality using [[|requests]].

Before attempting to switch to requests, the current usage of urllib2 should be analysed to map it to requests functionality (assuming requests has the same functionality -- it might not!).
e.g. reflinks currently only fetches 1000000 bytes from each webpage. requests does have the ability to read only a small amount of a webpage. (to be investigated further)

Event Timeline

jayvdb claimed this task.
jayvdb raised the priority of this task from to High.
jayvdb updated the task description. (Show Details)
jayvdb added subscribers: jayvdb, pywikibot-bugs-list, Beta16.

I havent looked closely, but I expect that the requests auto-decoding will not have all the same features as the existing decoding. more analysis needed.

On, @MtDu wrote:

I looked around and found this. But when I did that, it said no module named requests_toolbelt. I need to do this for each of the three lines I commented on, or is it different for each? I need to sleep though, so leave me a message here or on IRC. Thanks, MtDu

toolbelt is another package that uses requests, simplifying some tasks. I have quickly looked at its stream capability, and I believe that it will not simplify the reflinks code.

I am also worried that it adds another dependency, and it has a minimum version requirement of requests 2.0.1 (mentioned at

Change 264251 had a related patch set uploaded (by MtDu):
Set user-agent in Convert to use requests module

I did this while completing T113596.

After the switch to requests, ftp will no longer be supported.

We may be able to re-gain ftp support by testing & implementing using

Change 264251 merged by jenkins-bot:
Set user-agent and convert to use requests