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Carriage return marks ↵ shows up among text after a copy/paste
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When a user copy/paste (also cut/paste)a content from one page to an other, some ↵ are shown (screencast)

I'm not able to reproduce it (when connected or not), but two different users experienced the problem (on Windows Vista and Fedora, both on Firefox).

A similar task has been marked as resolved in 2013: T52295

Event Timeline

Trizek-WMF assigned this task to Jdforrester-WMF.
Trizek-WMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Trizek-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Trizek-WMF added a project: VisualEditor.

It happens only with formated text (from VE or from web page)

Occurrences of carriage returns :
only text : every 74 characters
<span>text with start and end markups</span> : every 74 characters (counting the markups)
text <b>with</b> many markups : no carriage returns