Each event should be labeled with its feed section (ie. Nearby):
Given I am on the feed
When a section loads
Then the app should send a Piwik Feed Section Load
And it should specify which section was loaded (Related, Nearby, etc.)
Given I am on the feed
When I see an article in the feed
Then the app should send a Piwik Impression event
And it should specify the "identifier" of the section which the item appeared in (e.g. Related, Nearby, Random, etc.)
Click to Article
Given I am on a universal article list
When I tap a list item
Then the app should send a "click" event
And it should specify the discovery method for that article
Given I see a save button
When I tap it
Then the app should send a "saved" event
And it should specify the new saved state (i.e. saved/unsaved)
More Like
Given I am on the feed
When I tap the "More like" footer for a section
Then the app should send a "More Like Feed Section" event
And it should specify the section that the "More Like" footer belongs to
Dev Notes
For Save events, we need to figure out whether Piwik infers which "view" the app was in when this event was dispatched. E.g. the user saved on "Feed" or "Article view".