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Simple English Wikipedia issues with ContentTranslation (tracking)
Open, MediumPublic


Simple English Wikipedia, because of its unusual language code situation, has some issues with ContentTranslation. This ticket tracks them.

Event Timeline

Amire80 raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Amire80 added a project: ContentTranslation.
Amire80 subscribed.
Nemo_bis renamed this task from [Tracker] Simple English Wikipedia issues with ContentTranslation to Simple English Wikipedia issues with ContentTranslation (tracking).Dec 4 2015, 7:58 AM

Change 884942 had a related patch set uploaded (by Winston Sung; author: Winston Sung):

[mediawiki/core@master] Fix HTML output BCP 47 language code for en-simple

Change 884943 had a related patch set uploaded (by Winston Sung; author: Winston Sung):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] ContentTranslation: Map language code "en-simple" to subdomain "simple"

Change 885306 had a related patch set uploaded (by Winston Sung; author: Winston Sung):

[mediawiki/extensions/Babel@master] Babel: Use BCP 47 language code "en-simple" instead for the MediaWiki internal language code "simple"

Change 885307 had a related patch set uploaded (by Winston Sung; author: Winston Sung):

[mediawiki/extensions/Babel@master] Babel: Temporarily disable tests for MediaWiki internal language code "simple"

Change 884945 had a related patch set uploaded (by Winston Sung; author: Winston Sung):

[mediawiki/extensions/ExternalGuidance@master] ExternalGuidance: Map language code "en-simple" to subdomain "simple"

Change 884944 had a related patch set uploaded (by Winston Sung; author: Winston Sung):

[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] cxserver: Map language code "en-simple" to subdomain "simple"

Change 884944 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] cxserver: Map language code "en-simple" to subdomain "simple"

Change 884943 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] ContentTranslation: Map language code "en-simple" to subdomain "simple"

Change 889483 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[operations/deployment-charts@master] Update cxserver to 2023-02-15-085109-production

Change 889483 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/deployment-charts@master] Update cxserver to 2023-02-15-085109-production

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-02-16T06:15:59Z] <kart_> Updated cxserver to 2023-02-15-085109-production (T328310, T110190, T116466)