Reported by にょきにょき here.
Firefox(42.0) on Windows10, browser crashed.
How to reproduce
- Edit a page with VE, then move your cursor just before a template or a ref tag.
- Enter a specific word using rōmaji input. For example, かんじ ( press kanji ).
- The browser crashes when J key is pressed.
Here are other words that cause same problem ( probably many words cause ).
さんが ( sanga )
けんさ ( kensa )
もんだ ( monda )
Additional information
There are several ways of the typing to input かんじ, kanji / kannji / kan'ji.
kannji and kan'ji do not cause any problem.
Other browsers
Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer 11 (I know these browsers are not supported officially, just for information) and Firefox on Windows XP
The browser does not crash, but Japanese input terminates.
Google Chrome
Any problem does not occur.
I'm using Microsoft IME, I have no idea about other IMEs like Google 日本語入力, ATOK and so on
I can't reproduce it, because my computer is on Linux.