- Deploy QuickSurveys to Persian Wikipedia
- Deploy config change to enable survey ----
Repeat T113443 in Persian or Japanese. Platform should be changed to Mobile + Desktop, instead of Desktop only as in the first survey.
array( "@description"=> "description of the survey", "description" => "Reader-segmentation-1-description", "@link"=> "external link to the survey (must be https)", "link"=> "Reader-segmentation-1-link", "@question"=> "survey question message key", "question"=> "Reader-segmentation-1-message", "@privacyPolicy"=> "message key for privacy policy. May contain links.", "privacyPolicy"=> "Reader-segmentation-1-privacy", "@coverage"=> "percentage of users that will see the survey", "coverage"=> "0.007519", // 1 out of 133 "@platform"=> "for each platform (desktop, mobile), which version of it is targeted (stable, beta, alpha)", "platform"=> array( "desktop"=> ["stable"], "mobile"=> ["stable"] ) )