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Localized language for "The Free Encyclopedia" under Wikipedia header
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Insert the phrase "The Free Encyclopedia" under the Wikipedia header and remove the phrase in the top 10 links around the globe.

The phrase will be in the user's preferred language, when available, otherwise it will not display.

The Wikipedia header will also be in the user's preferred language, as available.

portal-one_label.png (753×1 px, 158 KB)

portal-localize_the_free_encyclopedia_phrase-.png (1×1 px, 614 KB)

Event Timeline

debt raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
debt updated the task description. (Show Details)
debt added subscribers: debt, MSyed, JGirault.
debt added a subscriber: mxn.

translations for this tag line 'the free encyclopedia' are available from the project.
We can use the mediaWiki API to retrieve these translations as needed.

A request like this one retrieves all the available translations for the phrase 'the free encyclopedia' from the wikipedia iOS project.
(click 'Make request' to view api results).

The Adroid and iOS apps seems to be only projects with a translation of this phrase.

I tested this morning on @Jdrewniak's local instance: looks good! I used Chinese (simplified), Spanish, French (Canadian) and English as the order of my browser (Chrome) preferences.

localized-lang-pref-with-localized-thefreeencylopedia-phrase.png (526×666 px, 87 KB)

This has been pushed into production for the A/B test that went into production on March 22, 2016.