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EPIC: Enable a/b testing of navigation options
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In order to test navigation solutions with users we need to be able to present alternatives in the same app.

This should be implemented as the default, public change:

Then please add a tweak to use this design for the reader view:

Its okay if it requires an app restart to take effect.

Event Timeline

JMinor raised the priority of this task from to High.
JMinor updated the task description. (Show Details)
MBinder_WMF changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jan 28 2016, 9:34 PM
MBinder_WMF raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.
MBinder_WMF set Security to None.

Might not need this task, probably will do the two blocker tasks as separate builds.

JMinor lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Jan 31 2016, 11:30 PM
MBinder_WMF renamed this task from Enable a/b testing of navigation options via a tweak to EPIC: Enable a/b testing of navigation options.Feb 3 2016, 9:43 PM

Is this task a 2-pointer? Or is it simply an Epic for the other 2 tasks?

JMinor raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.