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Enable Yandex for Persian Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Our community is interested on having Yandex translation enabled for Content Translation. I had some tests with it and from what I can say it is something worth to have for Persian translators. Thank you.

Event Timeline

Ebrahim raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ebrahim updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ebrahim added a project: ContentTranslation.
Ebrahim subscribed.

The main interest here would be en-fa pair but of course ru-fa or other common languages would be nice also. BTW tg-fa pair is a matured enough AFAIK on apertium so you may consider enabling that also.

Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.
Amire80 set Security to None.

I can see that there are a few red "votes" followed by discussion. Is it OK to move forward with this?

Yes, there was some complains about our local projects and general issue that might happen with a translation service which was not about the specific topic and even not about the Yandex service itself at all which seems resolved with our attention to the brought topics and my explanation about the service.

Change 269371 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry):
Enable Yandex for Persian Wikipedia

Change 269371 merged by Alexandros Kosiaris:
Enable Yandex for Persian Wikipedia

Looks great. Thank you

[ Not all completely done yet. ]

Deployed, tested.