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swiftrepl replication pass for thumbnails eqiad -> codfw
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ATM only originals are being replicated to codfw, we should also replicate thumbnail containers

Event Timeline

fgiunchedi assigned this task to aaron.
fgiunchedi raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
fgiunchedi updated the task description. (Show Details)
fgiunchedi added subscribers: Matanya, Gilles, fgiunchedi and 7 others.

re: requested sizes, after ~1.5h of requests these are the results edit: these are not the requested sizes from end users but sizes involved in thumbnail flush. the requested sizes from end users are at

$ sort ~/thumbs_requests | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -50
   1125 240px
   1076 2880px
    850 180px
    758 120px
    644 800px
    601 150px
    370 1024px
    359 256px
    349 200px
    349 1920px
    338 300px
    308 320px
    305 1280px
    290 220px
    286 128px
    281 1200px
    273 100px
    262 450px
    260 80px
    240 75px
    230 135px
    214 330px
    211 440px
    208 250px
    197 267px
    184 400px
    179 2560px
    163 600px
    142 188px
    139 1600px
    136 877px
    134 640px
    122 96px
    121 144px
    117 90px
    115 375px
    106 480px
    105 500px
     95 360px
     94 270px
     93 48px
     91 853px
     91 67px
     86 675px
     83 140px
     82 160px
     79 125px
     77 302px
     76 720px
     74 1599px
$ wc -l thumbs_requests 
20214 thumbs_requests

similar distribution after ~150k requests: edit: see for (sampled) distribution of end-user requests

$ sort ~/thumbs_requests | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -50
  10148 240px
   7539 180px
   6571 2880px
   6166 120px
   4705 800px
   3935 150px
   3425 300px
   3062 200px
   2955 320px
   2454 220px
   2452 1024px
   2251 1280px
   2197 100px
   2164 80px
   2159 1920px
   2074 1200px
   2059 250px
   2005 135px
   1781 640px
   1664 450px
   1547 877px
   1507 600px
   1462 128px
   1376 330px
   1373 400px
   1320 267px
   1297 440px
   1271 144px
   1226 2560px
   1192 96px
   1189 360px
   1156 75px
   1140 720px
   1011 1600px
    984 90px
    797 270px
    779 160px
    778 500px
    748 50px
    716 302px
    712 480px
    705 375px
    654 60px
    644 125px
    627 853px
    588 192px
    572 140px
    570 67px
    563 678px
    560 225px
$ wc -l ~/thumbs_requests 
155047 /home/filippo/thumbs_requests

Change 269387 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
swiftrepl: name-based filter for objects

Change 269387 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
swiftrepl: name-based filter for objects

Mentioned in SAL [2016-02-12T13:01:28Z] <godog> restart thumbs swiftrepl, auth token expired T125791

This comment was removed by fgiunchedi.

after 56M thumbnail requests from ms-fe1001 the size distribution looks like this

$ sort ~/thumbs_requests | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -100
4385244 120px
3065097 220px
1969490 180px
1886039 240px
1853986 800px
1745935 440px
1665711 200px
1571025 720px
1540029 300px
1413915 320px
1411493 330px
1299094 250px
1145884 80px
1104180 640px
1089041 1024px
1062607 1280px
 987829 150px
 914954 100px
 785784 500px
 704360 600px
 689219 400px
 588255 144px
 536918 90px
 490428 375px
 469687 450px
 426055 1920px
 410155 20px
 398832 75px
 369575 48px
 353330 360px
 340015 225px
 320753 96px
 319464 2880px
 298162 280px
 281487 160px
 276432 64px
 268781 270px
 262787 130px
 262376 60px
 261131 170px
 258721 135px
 240388 260px
 238059 50px
 231692 1200px
 225385 480px
 214306 40px
 182280 140px
 171926 350px
 167295 128px
 155129 340px
 142825 2560px
 136440 255px
 132809 560px
 131267 230px
 124329 256px
 124311 512px
 124180 420px
 118168 30px
 109164 72px
 104952 2000px
 104532 1600px
 101976 520px
  95179 70px
  93135 110px
  92394 192px
  91821 210px
  90642 1000px
  90328 290px
  85960 390px
  85426 85px
  83356 112px
  83251 22px
  81624 768px
  80045 125px
  77366 266px
  76299 113px
  75019 36px
  74135 53px
  73209 79px
  71948 67px
  68259 81px
  67546 45px
  66293 25px
  65425 105px
  65078 108px
  64903 799px
  62825 103px
  62795 78px
  62040 190px
  61529 700px
  60352 540px
  60020 92px
  59723 95px
  59562 119px
  58528 245px
  57580 460px
  57440 63px
  57121 175px
  54833 267px
  54516 308px

Mentioned in SAL [2016-02-16T10:50:25Z] <godog> start swiftrepl commons thumbs for top50 popular size T125791

Change 272455 had a related patch set uploaded (by Filippo Giunchedi):
swiftrepl: fix destination container listing limit

Change 272455 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
swiftrepl: fix destination container listing limit

the initial copy is still ongoing, at 474M over 685M objects.

wrt the codfw switchover:

  • we're ~70% of the way there
  • assuming imagescalers are mostly cpu-bound, current cpu utilization is average 4% and ~80 rps
  • swift requests peak at ~1200 rps
  • when we switch to codfw, if all missing thumbnails would hit the imagescalers that's 30% or 1200 rps = ~360 rps or IOW 4.5x the current load
  • at 4.5x the current load that translates to ~20% cpu util on the imagescalers
  • ditto for network, current utilization is ~8MB/s per machine or ~36MB/s per machine at 4.5x the current load