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VisualEditor: Add Accept: header to your HTML requests to RESTBase/Parsoid as per T124365
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


T124365#2062088 documents the decision of the ArchCom RFC on API content versioning. Accordingly, VE should add an Accept: header with the current Parsoid HTML version to your API requests for Parsoid HTML.

Once T128040: Document and implement the REST API format versioning and negotiation policy is resolved, there will be on-wiki documentation about this.

Event Timeline

ssastry renamed this task from Add Accept: header to your HTML requests to RESTBase/Parsoid as per T124365 to VisualEditor: Add Accept: header to your HTML requests to RESTBase/Parsoid as per T124365.Feb 26 2016, 11:38 PM
AlexMonk-WMF added a subscriber: gerritbot.

@gerritbot didn't mention it here probably due to the Phabricator issues:

Change 273997 merged by jenkins-bot:
API: Send Accept: header to RESTbase

Change 274408 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk):
Change Accept header a bit

Change 274408 merged by jenkins-bot:
Change Accept header a bit