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Defining WikiProject scope within a CollaborationHub-model page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a WikiProject creator, I want an easy way to label pages that are part of my WikiProject without needing to find someone with a bot or spamming thousands of talk pages.

The idea is to define a WikiProject scope directly through a WikiProject. The WikiProject schema (T120928) allows a WikiProject's scope to be defined in terms of included/excluded categories (including subcategory depth) and included/excluded pages. This information would be stored in a way to be useful to the extension itself as well as third-party users such as bots.

Copying @kaldari and @Niharika who are working on a page assessment database table. Ryan and I had previously discussed the idea of taking assessment data out of templates altogether, but that would require creating a dedicated assessment interface of sorts, which I do not see coming as part of the initial feature set. It may be worth, in any instance, considering using this table as a back-end to store WikiProject scope data anyway (the idea being that projects making use of this feature may not necessarily be interested in assessments, and those that are can use the existing project banner template system).

Event Timeline

Harej lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Mar 8 2016, 6:20 PM
Harej moved this task from Needs Triage to Requests on the WikiProject-X board.
Harej raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Apr 26 2016, 3:55 AM
Harej removed Isarra as the assignee of this task.May 27 2016, 9:54 AM
Harej added a subscriber: Isarra.

So we'll probably just add a bunch of fields to the hub json that won't be displayed or edited normally. Separate editor for these, or something?

Or something.

Harej renamed this task from [Initial Features] Defining WikiProject scope within a CollaborationHub-model page to Defining WikiProject scope within a CollaborationHub-model page.Sep 1 2016, 11:08 PM

I am moving this out of the first release. The reason is because we are going to be piloting the extension with a limited group of projects that already make use of the traditional category-based system. However this is a very high priority for after the first release.

Change 314227 had a related patch set uploaded (by Harej):
Adding WikiProject scope to CollaborationHubContent schema.

Change 314227 merged by jenkins-bot:
Adding WikiProject scope to CollaborationHubContent schema.