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Migrate DNS entries from ldap to designate
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Once horizon properly manipulates domains, we need to migrate everything out of ldap and into pdns, then turn off the old ldap-based pdns server.

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I have a script on californium that can do this: ~andrew/

Probably no need to put the script in puppet since it's a one-off.

Does this also handle SPF/TXT records? has one set, and there may be some others (although iirc non-A records were a manual process)

All done now except for:

probable domain conflict: beta in for in wmflabsdotorg
probable domain conflict: tools in for in wmflabsdotorg

...designate doesn't like me attaching an A record that matches a domain

I hacked those entries into the designate record table, but they still don't resolve :(

It turns out to be possible to create these, I just had to specify the fqdn:

openstack recordset create eae60a3b-a0df-47b2-9492-5fab480514fe --type A --records ""

@valhallasw is going to sort out the spf bits; everything else is migrated.

Andrew claimed this task.