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Wikidata data model infographic
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May 6 2016, 8:48 AM
Referenced Files
F4187978: item_desc_new-page002.png
Jun 21 2016, 8:42 AM
F4187977: item_desc_new-page001.png
Jun 21 2016, 8:42 AM
F4187979: item_desc_new-page003.png
Jun 21 2016, 8:42 AM
F4187962: item_desc_new-page002.png
Jun 21 2016, 8:38 AM
F4187961: item_desc_new-page001.png
Jun 21 2016, 8:38 AM
F4187959: item_desc_new-page003.png
Jun 21 2016, 8:38 AM
F4138993: item_desc_new-page002.png
Jun 7 2016, 9:49 AM
F4138999: item_desc_new-page003.png
Jun 7 2016, 9:49 AM


Infographic for an item and statements in Wikidata with descriptors.

Event Timeline

Can you please add a description to give others context? Thanks :)

Jan_Dittrich renamed this task from Wikidata data model to Wikidata data model infographic.Jun 3 2016, 6:07 AM
Jan_Dittrich subscribed.

Who is the intended audience of the infographic? What should it enable the reader to do?

Jan_Dittrich moved this task from Incoming to Ready to go on the WMDE-Design board.
Jan_Dittrich moved this task from Ready to go to Incoming on the WMDE-Design board.

Apparently I had already uploaded the latest version. Can you give feedback?

Who is the intended audience of the infographic? What should it enable the reader to do?

Intended audience: Everyone who needs/wants to understand what all the things in our data model are: statements, qualifiers, ranks, ...
It should among others replace the incomplete/outdated one here:

Apparently I had already uploaded the latest version. Can you give feedback?

Looks good!
My comments:

  • we wanted to remove claim iirc because it shouldn't be needed anymore
  • some of the colors are hard to read - especially grey and yellow

Please also ask @daniel for a final content review. From my side the content is good then.

@daniel: Could you take a look at this, so we could start using this graphic?

Looks good but the last image showing the expanded references is wrong, as it says there are 2 references but I only see 1

Changed the color of all the references so they match

item_desc_new-page002.png (688×1 px, 2 MB)

added the statement line around this one too for consistency and removed the dots at the bottom

item_desc_new-page001.png (688×1 px, 2 MB)

item_desc_new-page003.png (688×1 px, 2 MB)

@Addshore there were two references after all, it's just that the design doesn't really convey that. The references are only separated by the slightly darker gray boxes in the background. For the graphic I added the dotted line to make it clearer that there are indeed two references.

@Addshore there were two references after all, it's just that the design doesn't really convey that. The references are only separated by the slightly darker gray boxes in the background. For the graphic I added the dotted line to make it clearer that there are indeed two references.

Ahh yes, looking back at the origional I can now see the differing colour.
I think the dashed line will defintly help here.

Thanks! I'll upload them on commons then, so we can start using them places.