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Private space for Annual-Report-Private
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a request for a private space:


The regular WMF-Annual-Report work is being handled in its public project, but there is some private information (i.e. donor information) that cannot be disclosed/published before the report is announced. This is a problem common to all annual reports, it is needed now, and it will be needed again in a year.

Tasks added to the Annual-Report-Private space could be automatically associated to WMF-Annual-Report.

The group lead is @Heather.

At the moment of creating this task, other project members that should have access to this space are

There might be more coming, but @Heather could add them.
(Qgil doesn't need access, he is just helping out with this request because he owes them one) :)

Event Timeline

Qgil added a subscriber: RLewis.
Qgil renamed this task from Private space for #Annual-Report-Private to Private space for Annual-Report-Private.Jun 2 2016, 9:37 PM
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)

At the moment of creating this task, other project members that should have access to this space are

There might be more coming, but @Heather could add them.

Not commenting on the whole private area issue, but a separate ACL project should be created for that

Aklapper claimed this task.

Created S7 and as the backing ACL project.

Everybody please read and ask if there are questions.

(For my personal paranoia, please also feel free to create / move a task into that space and test whether anyone else not listed above can access it.)

@Aklapper sorry I'm a little confused here as to what the next steps for Major Gifts are. Has the name been added to the Annual Report? And if not, do I add the name that we want added to the S7 space that was created?

Hi @Aklapper and @Qgil

I'm reopening this as the donor hasn't been added to the Annual Report yet. Can someone please let me know what the next steps are for this?

Thank you!

@RLewis, Andre and I have resolved this task about the creation of a private space for the people working on the Annual Report.

If there are any tasks pending (i.e. a donor hasn't been added), then you should discuss this problem with them directly. This task here is resolved indeed.

If I can help you in any way using the private space, please contact me via email. As Andre has pointed out, there is also

This task was about creating S7. For specific work (like adding some name to some place) to take place in that project, please create specific dedicated tasks in S7, following T136889#2352883 - Thanks!

Thank you both for the explanation, this makes more sense now. I'll go ahead and create a task in S7 for adding the donor in question.

Tasks added to the Annual-Report-Private space could be automatically associated to WMF-Annual-Report.

I had missed that part, fixed now by Herald rule H171.