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Special Search namespaces selection block displayed behind the search box
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It happens when no results are displayed:

  • direct access to Special:Search
  • Search error
  • No result found

Sélection_047.png (188×1 px, 20 KB)

This was certainly introduced by T136945

Event Timeline

So since this is blocking train rollout, is a sane course of action to revert ?

I'm ok to revert and keep the extra line break until we fix it correctly, @Florian what do you think?

ping @Jdforrester-WMF as the original proponent of the updated search box feature

@dcausse: I think an extra line break is better as the current result. However, it would be possible to fix the problem with a single line fix, so I let the decision up to you, if you want to merge a revert or backport a fix (and review it), I'll upload one nonetheless :)

Background: As far as I remember from my thoughts about a fix for the root problem (which result in the change ), I'm pretty sure, that the float:left; was there before I converted Special:Search to OOUI, but I'm not sure anymore :)

Florian triaged this task as High priority.
Florian added a project: Design.

Change 293416 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Add a visual clear to Special:Search input box and profile-tabs

@Florian I'm ok with whatever solution you propose, if you have a one-line fix I can try to review (at least test it). My UX skills are too rusty to be of any help here :)

Change 293422 had a related patch set uploaded (by Florianschmidtwelzow):
Add a visual clear to Special:Search input box and profile-tabs

Change 293416 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add a visual clear to Special:Search input box and profile-tabs

Change 293422 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add a visual clear to Special:Search input box and profile-tabs

Fix is now deployed live on wmf.5