Current Status: Currently, no tables of any sort are included when you print a wikipedia article as pdf. Infoboxes are treated as "normal" tables and as such not included, either.
Task: Include Infoboxes in article pdfs
Questions to answer:
- Is there an easy way to identify all infoboxes?
- Is there a limit on how wide an infobox can be and if yes, would that be smaller than the column width of the 2-column-pdf layout?
- How would the layout within the pdf look like?
Please be aware that there are separate tasks for improving a patch to add all kinds of tables to the pdf(T137431) and for adding tables to the appendix of a pdf (T137432)
The proposal to Include tables in pdfs received 23 support votes in the community wishlist survey, and was ranked #39 out of 107 proposals.
This was also on the German Community Wishlist 2015: