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Use individual select queries to determin which Entities are in the wbc_entity_usage table
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In EntityUsageTable::getUsedEntityIdStrings, we currently use a bulk query to see which Entity ID from a given set are actually present in the wbc_entity_usage table:

SELECT DISTINCT eu_entity_id  FROM `wbc_entity_usage` 
WHERE eu_entity_id IN ('Q148475', 'Q54919', 'Q423048', 'Q2494649', 'Q13219454', 'Q131454', 'Q36578', 'Q1798125', 'Q2597810', 'Q19938912', 'Q193563', 'Q2553334', 'Q477675', 'Q623578', 'Q19675', 'Q13481868', 'Q384602')

This can lead to extremely slow queries and high resource consumption in some cases, as described in T116404#2370849.

We should instead use individual selects with LIMIT 1 for each ID:

SELECT eu_entity_id FROM wbc_entity_usage WHERE eu_entity_id = 'Q623578' LIMIT 1;

@jcrespo suggest that this is the better approach in T116404#2371094.

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A slight comment here: I know the second query is way better than the the first one- there could be an even better solution; but just doing this change would be a huge improvement (at least 100x faster).

Aklapper renamed this task from Use inidividual select queries to determin which Entities are in the wbc_entity_usage table to Use individual select queries to determin which Entities are in the wbc_entity_usage table.Jun 10 2016, 11:56 AM

Change 293736 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hoo man):
WIP: Use one (sub)query per entity id in getUsedEntityIdStrings

Short test:

hoo@terbium:~$ mwscript eval.php --wiki=zhwiki                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
> $idStrings = [];                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
> for ( $i = 1; $i < 1001; $i++ ) { $idStrings[] = "Q$i"; }                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
> $subQueries = [];                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
> $connection = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
> foreach ( $idStrings as $idString ) { $subQueries[] = $connection->selectSQLText( 'wbc_entity_usage', 'eu_entity_id', [ 'eu_entity_id' => $idString ], '', [ 'LIMIT' => 1 ] ); }                                                                                             
> $sql = $connection->unionQueries( $subQueries, false );                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
> $t0 = microtime( true ); $res = $connection->query( $sql ); echo microtime( true ) - $t0;

hoo@terbium:~$ mwscript eval.php --wiki=zhwiki
> $idStrings = [];

> for ( $i = 1001; $i < 2001; $i++ ) { $idStrings[] = "Q$i"; }

> $connection = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );

> $t0 = microtime( true ); foreach ( $idStrings as $idString ) { $connection->select( 'wbc_entity_usage', 'eu_entity_id', [ 'eu_entity_id' => $idString ], '', [ 'LIMIT' => 1 ] ); }; echo microtime( true ) - $t0;

Change 293745 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hoo man):
EntityUsageTable: Run all subqueries at once with UNION on MySQL

Change 293736 merged by jenkins-bot:
Use one query per entity id in getUsedEntityIdStrings

Note: the naive "one query per ID" patch (293736) is merged, and should already fix the performance issue. The "use a UNION" patch (293745) is still pending comments and testing.

The second patch isn't strictly necessary, but provides another 10x speedup (for large sets of IDs), according to Marius' tests. I'd leave this task open until the second patch is either merged or abandoned.

I like your approach @daniel, starting simple, then optimize with a more complex option. Thank you!

Change 293745 merged by jenkins-bot:
EntityUsageTable: Run all subqueries at once with UNION on MySQL