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Consistent approach to replicating the WikiProject table of contents on all subpages
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On our development wiki just now I moved [[WPX:List 1]] to [[WPX:WikiProject Test/List 1]] to make it part of the WikiProject. However, doing this does not cause the page to inherit the table of contents. Also, wikitext-type pages do not inherit the table of contents either.

Pages that are part of the WikiProject should consistently inherit the table of contents. It should not require additional effort from users.

Event Timeline

Part 1 is T136778.

For part 2, I'm not really sure what you're expecting. The table of contents is part of the CollaborationHub content model. Pages that are not using that content model won't get it. If you want a parser function to manually add it to other kinds of pages, that might be doable, but there is no way to have it automatically show up on these.

Since hub subpages are basically just wikitext + metadata, is there any way to do a one-click thing that incorporates the page into the hub?

Er... we could add a link to the cactions or something on subpages to convert the pages, maaaaybe? I dunno how we'd do the detection, though.

This would also require the hubpage creation by conversion to work, which currently we don't even have an entire idea how it would...

Okay, so we should be able to break the toc out of the main class so it exists as its own entity that can be included via parser function into wikitext pages without too much trouble.

We could also add a js for conversion as a sort of gadget, since conversion should be as simple as embedding the current content in a hub. I'll split these out into some separate tasks.

I've made these as separate tasks and called this the parent.

Conclusion we've drawn from our in-person meeting is that non-list subpages should be wikitext. Project association will be inferred from working backwards in the page name until it finds a hub. This is intended to work regardless of content type.

This is resolved via T141008.