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Separate out collaborationhub ToC into its own class
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The collaborationhub ToC should not be chained only to the collaborationhub content model. It should be reusable elsewhere.

This is three-fold:

  • Separate collaborationhub ToC out into its own class

Potential future work:

  • Add parser function to include a ToC from a parent collaborationhub in any wikitext page, and mark the page as part of the collaborationhub We are not doing this anymore
  • If any automatic inclusion is implemented for collaborationhub pages that mark their parent hub somehow, make sure this also works for pages using the parser function

Event Timeline

Harej triaged this task as High priority.Jul 22 2016, 4:12 PM
Harej renamed this task from Separate out collaborationhub ToC into its own class so that it can also be inserted via parser function to Separate out collaborationhub ToC into its own class.Sep 15 2016, 7:26 PM
Harej updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 311603 had a related patch set uploaded (by Isarra):
I don't actually remember what all I was doing.

Change 311603 merged by jenkins-bot:
Made a separate ToC and Icon classes for collaborationhubs and collaborationkit in general, respectively.