As part of T137783, this ticket explores the idea of inviting experienced users to become reviewers
- Make editors aware that they can review. Make users aware that there is another way to contribute to the project by reviewing. Research suggests it is hard for new users to find what to do. Helping others by reviewing may be an interesting activity they have not thought about.
- Make editors feel welcome to review others Make editors feel they are welcome to participate and guide them through the process. Even users experienced enough to help others may not perceive themselves ready. By encouraging them to participate and present the activity as an easy task, we can help them to make the first step.
- Present the reviewing task positively. Emphasise the constructive aspects of review (helping new users).
- Getting started reviewing. An experienced editor discovers that she can also help other users. She feels welcome to do so and is happy to help new users in the way she wish was helped when she started. Start reviewing contributions is easy and she incorporates it as part of her daily routine.
Explored solution
After her 100th edit (or similar milestone that indicates a high editing expertise), the user receives a notification inviting her to review contributions from newcomers. The messaging refers to using the user expertise to help less expert users.
If the user accepts the invitation, she reaches the Review page with a Welcome message that introduces the general purpose and starts a shot guided tour...
The concept of feeds are introduced (with the possibility to customise them).
Pointing to a persistent entry point helps the user to know how to get to the Review page the next time (since the notification invite is only sent once).
After the quick tour, the user is ready to review. For further details on the review activity, check T137814: Explore ideas for Review Feeds.