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Get IABot to use new CheckIfDead package
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Once T140135 is finished, we should update the InternetArchiveBot code to use the new package via composer, rather than having it's own code for deadlink detection.

Event Timeline

DannyH set the point value for this task to 5.
DannyH triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 14 2016, 5:46 PM
DannyH moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.

I put up a PR: although I don't really have a way of testing it. Ryan or Leon will have to do the honors.

I think this needs to be updated for the recent changes to the CheckIfDead class.

I think this needs to be updated for the recent changes to the CheckIfDead class.

It's been updated already. And the merge conflicts have been fixed too.

I'm confused. It looks like it's still using checkDeadlinks() instead of areLinksDead(). Is there another pull request?

I'm confused. It looks like it's still using checkDeadlinks() instead of areLinksDead(). Is there another pull request?

Ah! You're right, I updated the format used but forgot to update the name. Fixed now.

This PR needs to be tested before merging.

What's the update in this? It looks like it's ready to be merged into IABot.

This PR needs to be tested before merging.

What's the update in this? It looks like it's ready to be merged into IABot.

This PR needs to be tested before merging.

Pull to the branch composer-test and I'll test it out.

@Niharika: A few more things...

  • Line 502 in Parser can be deleted now
  • Line 508 in Parser will need to be changed to $link['is_dead'] = $results[$link['url']];
  • Need to require the autoload file in parse.php
  • Need to update tests/Parser/parse.php

@Niharika: A few more things...

  • Need to update tests/Parser/parse.php

I don't understand this part. There doesn't seem to be any function which tests analyzePage. What am I missing?
New PR is up at for @Cyberpower678 to test.

I don't understand this part. There doesn't seem to be any function which tests analyzePage. What am I missing?

Looks like you fixed it:

kaldari moved this task from In Development to Q1 2018-19 on the Community-Tech-Sprint board.