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Show links to intermediate revisions rather than "(One intermediate revision not shown.)"
Open, LowPublicFeature


Author: bugs

It could show text like: Intermediate revisions: [[1]]

This would be especially useful in this kind of use case:

  1. In "Changes related to" screen, click "2 changes" for some page
  2. Say the 2 changes cancel each other out (eg,
  3. Now you want to see what the first change was that was reverted.

There is no elegant way to do this at the moment. The best you can do is click on "Older edit", then on that page click "Newer edit". It would be nice if there was a direct link to that intermediate revision.

If it's hard to have a list of all the intermediate revisions, a single link to the second-most recent revision would probably be the most useful. Ie, if viewing the difference between revisions 5 and 10, revision 9 would probably the best one to link to if one had to choose. Links to revisions 4, 11 and maybe 6 would also be useful in many cases.

Thinking about this slightly more, I probably mean links to diffs rather than revisions themselves. Someone smart can work out exactly which diffs should be shown.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 10:01 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz12191.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
  • Bug 21421 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

bugs wrote:

Oops, I reported exactly the same enhancement request, 2 years apart?

Why not implement it?

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Feb 4 2022, 11:01 AM

Minimal-effort version would be to link to page history with the appropriate timestamp and offset to only show the relevant edits. (History already supports limit, and offset by timestamp, so this is mostly easy, but handling the case where multiple edits have the same timestamp might be tricky.)

Less minimal-effort version: implement T11578: Feature request: Direct access to the history page containing the listing corresponding to a past revision so you can link to a revision in such a way that it opens up page history with that revision in the middle-ish and highlighted; and extend that to multiple revisions and use it.

Less minimal-effort version #2: load the relevant history snippet right there on the diff page via AJAX, like suggested in T23421: Make "(X intermediate revisions not shown)" clickable..

In both cases needs some bailout logic for large numbers of intermediary edits.

Version 1 feels more useful to me, and probably also easier to implement.