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Expose ores_model data in API using meta=ores
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See T122689#1939440

We need to add "ores" to meta during query, e.g. &action=query&meta=ores should return data from ores_model table and expose these data

Event Timeline

Halfak triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 25 2016, 2:29 PM

A few questions:

  • Should non-current models in ores_models be exposed in the action API, or is that not useful?
  • Are the model IDs externally useful, or just the names?
  • Should any of the config variables be exposed?

I missed this ping, sorry.

A few questions:

  • Should non-current models in ores_models be exposed in the action API, or is that not useful?

I don't think that would be useful.

  • Are the model IDs externally useful, or just the names?

Only names.

$wgOresDamagingThresholds, $wgOresEnabledNamespaces are important other ones are not that important.

Change 313831 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anomie):
Action API integration for ORES

Change 313831 merged by jenkins-bot:
Action API integration for ORES