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API Error Message Translation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The attached screenshot shows the current way of displaying error message in non-English Wikidata.

Error Location.png (230×398 px, 16 KB)

There are 2 error messages in different languages which may confuse the users. Moreover, the error message written in English is the original error message which triggered by the API.

We should rethink or redesign how we can display the error message such that there is only one error message that is shown and it is understandable by the non-English users.

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As discussed in T54843#2453105, there are three kinds of errors. It appears the first is translatable and can be moved up, replacing the generic message on top. First step should be to check if this is true, or what is needed to make the bottom message translatable.

This is what the same error looks like nowadays:

Screenshot_2020-06-16 Wikidata-Spielwiese.png (162×377 px, 16 KB)

There are still two messages, but they’re both translated now. I’m going to be bold and say that’s good enough to close this task. Feel free to reopen if you disagree.