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add subdomain for annual report 2016
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Zachary McCune requests a subdomain for the "annual online report" to live at.

Something like, or

The subdomain will host the webpages documenting Wikimedia Foundation budgets, projects, and statements from FY15-16.

Previous Annual Reports are visible at or

Event Timeline

Reckon is probably the best shout here; would be a totally different format to that used in the past so probably not advisable.

btw, the URL structure even works for /2007/ through /2013/ older reports, we have rewrite rules for that sending you to the old page on wiki

The setup for this is in 2 places:

a) repo operations/puppet , modules/annualreport

This sets up itself and makes puppet clone content but should not usually need an edit each year.

b) repo wikimedia/annualreport

This is where the actual content of the docroot lives and new content for each year should be uploaded.

So what is to do is:

git clone

and "mkdir 2016" and upload the new content into that.

Then once content under /2016/ looks good, the index.html can be changed so that it does not redirect to the special 15 page anymore but to the normal /2016/ report and that will be it.

Change 323899 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
add placeholder index for 2016 report

Change 323899 merged by Dzahn:
add placeholder index for 2016 report

Here you go.

Does this resolve the ticket to create the URL?

Or did you want to keep it open until the real content is ready and released?

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 28 2016, 8:56 PM
Dzahn added a project: SRE.
Dzahn removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
Does this resolve the ticket to create the URL?
Or did you want to keep it open until the real content is ready and released?

@ZMcCune: ping?

@ZMcCune let me know if you have questions about uploading the content to gerrit. i can help with that if needed

@Heather: Any reason not to use

@Dzahn: Thank you! We will let you know. Hope to have the static pages ready in early January.

That looks good. Thanks, everyone!

@Dzahn: Thank you! We will let you know. Hope to have the static pages ready in early January.

@ZMcCune: Any news to share, now that it's late January? :)

Change 339328 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
add 2016 annual report data

I've reviewed both content and technical implementation of the 2016 Annual Report and found no major security problems. Here are a few notes on minor things:

  • "amoritization" on 2016/financials.html may be misspelled
  • In the video at the bottom of 2016/what-we-stand-for.html, at approx. 1:21, is it okay to show the list of users who have visited the office?
  • Use of Katherine and Jimmy's signatures may be useful in instances an attacker requires a signature on a physical form as part of a further attack. (I say this realizing that we've probably published Katherine and Jimmy's signatures before.
  • X-Frame-Options header is not set on live site (

Full ZAP scan result:

Thank you so much @dpatrick!

  • Will check spelling on financials.html
  • Legal reviewed the video and said all content was OK
  • I asked @Heather about signatures and she reported that they are both widely available. Jimmy's signature is even on Commons

Change 339328 merged by Dzahn:
add 2016 annual report data

I've reviewed both content and technical implementation

Thank you! Way more detailed than expected and very fast.

I merged it after:

  • "amoritization" on 2016/financials.html may be misspelled

Fixed in

  • In the video at the bottom..
  • Use of Katherine and Jimmy's signatures...

Was OKed by legal.

Looking at that now

Full ZAP scan result:

awesome :) is live but redirect was not changed yet ("soft launch").

Change 339803 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
annualreport: add X-Frame-Options header to Apache config

Change 339803 merged by Dzahn:
annualreport: add X-Frame-Options header to Apache config

Fixed with the change above. It now sends the header. Can be verified with

Change 339804 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
switch index redirect from 2015 to 2016

Change 339804 merged by Dzahn:
switch index redirect from 2015 to 2016

Old index redirect is cached but that's known and ok that way until Monday.

Dzahn removed a project: Patch-For-Review.

Alright, no more pending changes here. Index redirects, content is ok. I'm going to close this as resolved now.

re-opening. dev sent a follow-up fix for social network sharing

Change 340263 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Dzahn):
update 2016 HTML pages, follow-up fix for social network sharing

Change 340263 merged by Dzahn:
update 2016 HTML pages, follow-up fix for social network sharing

Change 340351 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
[wikimedia/annualreport] CSS-fix for 2016 content

Change 340351 merged by Dzahn:
CSS-fix for 2016 content

Change 340361 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn):
[wikimedia/annualreport] fix broken FB links in Jimmy's letter page

Change 340361 merged by Dzahn:
fix broken FB links in Jimmy's letter page

Per conversations on Wikimedia-l ( and with Foundation staff, we have made 5 adjustments to site content.

patch set 2 of the changes above has been deployed just now

Seems like changed photos are not displaying ( @Varnent - any ideas on cause here?

Looks like the image "malasari-birdwatching.jpg" wasn't deployed or is mistyped.

Looks like the image "malasari-birdwatching.jpg" wasn't deployed or is mistyped.

Oh, it looks like the image that is missing should be at It doesn't appear to be in the Gerrit file list so I would guess that it wasn't replaced (unless I'm missing something there).

Change 341924 had a related patch set uploaded (by Foks):
[wikimedia/annualreport] Add missing file

@jrbs The file was added as "2016/img/fact-cards/malasari-birdwatching-card.jpg" in

so should just be moved from fact-headers to fact-cards ?

Change 341924 merged by Dzahn:
[wikimedia/annualreport] Add missing file fact-headers/malasari-birdwatching.jpg

I see, they are different files/size with the same name, so needed in both locations.


closing ticket again as it looks done for now. feel free to re-open if more changes are planned.