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Maps Attribution: static map display
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For static maps, we need to always display an attribution line for Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap (OSM), no matter the size of the map.

As referenced here, for OSM, we need the following:

Our requested attribution is "© OpenStreetMap contributors". Because OpenStreetMap is its contributors, you may omit the word "contributors" if space is limited.

For static maps - the minimum attribution to be displayed is:

static-map-attribution.jpg (20×143 px, 5 KB)

and the link will be attached to "Wikimedia" in the attribution line for all static maps:

Event Timeline

debt updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 327015 had a related patch set uploaded (by JGirault):
Update attribution text and add it to static frames

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.13.39 AM.png (830×770 px, 385 KB)

This patch actually updates the attribution text for interactive maps as well:

Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.15.38 AM.png (300×654 px, 29 KB)

Hi @JGirault - we want to use the new link URL: - that's what we received from Legal during yesterday's meeting. I referenced it in an email yesterday, and updated this ticket's description with the new link to use. Thanks!

Hi @JGirault - we want to use the new link URL: - that's what we received from Legal during yesterday's meeting. I referenced it in an email yesterday, and updated this ticket's description with the new link to use. Thanks!

There's no content in that page. Are you sure? I agree that the terms of use for maps are best located on, but pointing to a working link is better. :-)

agreed - a working link is much better and we've seen and agreed with the draft wording from Legal. I'll add that wording into that page and we can update as needed afterward. It'll be a working link shortly.

Change 327274 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yurik):
Add Terms of Use link on static and dynamic maps

Change 327275 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yurik):
Add Terms of Use link on static and dynamic maps

Change 327015 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add Terms of Use link on static and dynamic maps

Change 327275 abandoned by Yurik:
Add Terms of Use link on static and dynamic maps

only v6 is needed by now

Change 327274 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add Terms of Use link on static and dynamic maps

Moving this back to needs review - as it was reverted last night during SWAT:

@debt it is done, noone needs to review it, it will ride the next train. Only the swat was reverted due to complexity of swating i18n changes.

FYI, the maps attribution link went live this week (via the train), thus this ticket and T151900 are now complete.