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Ability to rescind signatures on Legalpad
Open, LowPublicFeature


Legalpad documents should have the option to delete or rescind signatures on them. Use cases might include that the signing user made a false statement, voluntary rescission or the need to re-sign the document among others. Actually once you've signed it, there's no way I'm aware of, to rescind such a signature or modify it (I guess one could do so via Shell though). Rescission should of course be logged.

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Restricted Application added subscribers: TerraCodes, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Legalpad documents should have the option to delete or rescind signatures on them.

I would not say so as that would mean more work for (legal) people plus sending them additional notifications whenever an account is removed.

Use cases might include that the signing user made a false statement

In that case the user account could get disabled? If you sign a contract you potentially have to deal with consequences. :)

voluntary rescission

Do you have an example of a Legalpad document that a user could like to rescind?

or the need to re-sign the document among others.

In that case it's probably cleaner to track by archiving the previous document and creating a separate new version.

Also, I'm curious to understand which specific underlying problem you'd like to solve that made you think of this solution. :)

I'm not at liberty to discuss the specific problem which led me here I'm
afraid. Voluntary rescission is of course allowed in many legal systems and
creating a new document just to re-sign looks like it's indeed creating
more work than to allow to delete a signature from a document,
independently of the legal consequences that you could face :-)

greg added subscribers: Slaporte, greg.

Since we use LegalPad for, well, legal reasons (eg the NDA) I think we must discuss this with the WMF Legal team before any changes are made.

@Slaporte your thoughts on this (or whoever you delegate to), please :)

Rescinding an agreement is little more complicated than just removing a signature from the terms. Termination may depend on the text of the agreement itself (eg, even if you want to cancel a confidentiality agreement, you still need to respect the confidentiality around private data you accessed). It may be misleading to people if they can "delete" their signature but the agreement isn't really cancelled.

Can you share more detail about the use case you have in mind? If it's about an agreement with the Foundation, you can email me at <> if you want to discuss privately.

Can you share more detail about the use case you have in mind? If it's about an agreement with the Foundation, you can email me at <> if you want to discuss privately.

Thanks. You should be receiving an email from me shortly. Thanks.

Aklapper triaged this task as Low priority.May 30 2021, 9:34 AM
Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Apr 20 2024, 3:14 PM