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Access level to Wikibase\Repo\Diff\EntityContentDiffView::getRevisionHeader() must be public
Closed, ResolvedPublicPRODUCTION ERROR


Just deployed 1.29.0-wmf.7 to group1 wikis and seeing this error quite a bit

Fatal error: Access level to Wikibase\Repo\Diff\EntityContentDiffView::getRevisionHeader() must be public (as in class DifferenceEngine) or weaker in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.29.0-wmf.7/extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/Diff/EntityContentDiffView.php on line 36

Event Timeline

Addshore triaged this task as High priority.
Addshore added a project: WMDE-TechWish.

Change 330468 had a related patch set uploaded (by Addshore):
Make EntityContentDiffView::getRevisionHeader public

Change 330468 merged by jenkins-bot:
Make EntityContentDiffView::getRevisionHeader public

Change 330479 had a related patch set uploaded (by Addshore):
New build

Once the above patch / new build has been merged wmf7 and Wikidata wmf5.1 should work together.

a 5.1 branch was created to keep core wmf5 and wikidata / wikibase wmf5 compatible with each other.
wmf6 and wmf7 were not used as they already include many other changes.
wmf5.1 of wikibase / wikidata allows a minimal change / update.

Change 330590 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thcipriani):
Change Wikidata target branch

Change 330590 merged by jenkins-bot:
Change Wikidata target branch

Addshore moved this task from Currently in sprint to Done on the WMDE-TechWish board.
mmodell changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Production Error".Aug 28 2019, 11:11 PM