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"Log out" should log out from Wikidata too
Closed, DeclinedPublic


After tapping "Log out" in the main three dots menu, I'm logged out successfully on Wikipedia (i.e. receive the "If you log in, you will have more privacy" warning when editing a Wikipedia article), but my Wikidata description edits continue to be saved under my user name.
(Seems this is the converse of T150705 )

App version: 2.4.184-alpha-2017-01-09

Event Timeline

Peachey88 subscribed.

Changing to High due to possible privacy issues.

I just tested and can't reproduce this. Logged in and out, edited a description and confirmed on Wikidata that it was anon as expected. Further, our logout code is pretty straightforward and should knock out any Wikidata cookies along with those from Wikipedia. @Dbrant / @Niedzielski , any ideas?

I do not repo either. It looks like full cookie erasure depends on the domain keys being wiped last but this appears to be performed correctly

I just tried it again using 2.5.187-alpha-2017-02-09, and couldn't reproduce either, i.e. the edit saved successfully under my IP. (However, I'm right now consistently getting "An unknown error occurred" when trying to save a description while being logged in.)

Original reporter cannot reproduce anymore - proposing to close task as declined?

Yep! Please reopen if happens again.