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Build LexemeChangeOpDeserializer
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Event Timeline

Change 332961 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup):
Very basic ChangeOpDeserializer

Change 332961 merged by jenkins-bot:
Very basic ChangeOpDeserializer

Ladsgroup moved this task from Doing to Backlog on the Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board board.

Oops. My mistake

Maybe we should close this as resolved. What do you think @daniel?

WMDE-leszek subscribed.

So you have created the outline of the deserializer, which is cool. Maybe this ticket could be serve as a kind of tracking ticket for all related smaller tasks? If I get it right we need couple of elements to be added (each could/should likely be a separate tasks), and then simply put it all together in LexemeChangeOpDeserializer (this could be another smaller task). This ticket could be a parent to all those smaller tasks. Once all "subtasks" are done, this could be simply closed.
I am not sure if this makes sense in this case or would it be rather artificial but at least at glance I find it reasonable :)

Change 337882 had a related patch set uploaded (by WMDE-leszek):
[WIP] Process lemmas in LexemeChangeOpDeserializer

Change 337882 merged by jenkins-bot:
Process lemmas in LexemeChangeOpDeserializer

WMDE-leszek claimed this task.
WMDE-leszek moved this task from Monitoring to Done on the Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board board.

Initial implementation is done.