- Confirm translations are ready
- List of trusted user groups
- Translate "Edit quality (20k sample)"
- Run prelabeling script
- Load revisions into labels.wmflabs.org
Status | Subtype | Assigned | Task | ||
Resolved | awight | T187836 [Epic] Audit of pending ORES GUI deployments | |||
Resolved | awight | T156518 Deploy ORES Review Tool on Romanian Wikipedia | |||
Resolved | Catrope | T170723 Deploy ORES Review Tool & ORES-based RCFilters for Romanian & Albanian Wikipedia | |||
Resolved | awight | T170485 ORES deployment - Mid July, 2017 | |||
Duplicate | None | T156501 Enable ORES Review Tool in Romanian Wikipedia | |||
Resolved | None | T130213 [Epic] Edit quality models (damaging/goodfaith) | |||
Resolved | Halfak | T166045 Scoring platform team FY18 Q1 | |||
Resolved | Sumit | T156503 Build damaging/goodfaith models for Romanian Wikipedia | |||
Resolved | Halfak | T156517 Complete Romanian Wikipedia edit quality campaign | |||
Resolved | None | T156357 Deploy edit quality campaign for Romanian Wikipedia |
Event Timeline
@Andrei_Stroe, in order to move forward with this, we need help determining which user_groups are only awarded to "trusted" users -- users whose edits don't even need review at all.
For English Wikipedia, we use this list:
- sysop
- oversight
- bot
- rollbacker
- checkuser
- abusefilter
- bureaucrat
Are there user groups from Romanian Wikipedia that you think should be added to the list?
In addition to the groups corresponding to those at en.wp, at least for starters, we should also exclude templateeditor, patroller and autopatrolled.
Perfect. Thanks. One more question. How would you translate the following into Romanian?
"Edit quality (5k sample)"
This will be the title for the campaign.
@Andrei_Stroe, see the link above. This campaign is ready for labeling. I'll get to work on the modeling stuff next. Once you and your collaborators from Romanian Wikipedia are done labeling these (See T156517: Complete Romanian Wikipedia edit quality campaign) then we'll be able to work on T156503: Build damaging/goodfaith models for Romanian Wikipedia and eventually T156518: Deploy ORES Review Tool on Romanian Wikipedia.
Apparently, the labels I translated in https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_labels/Interface_translation/Edit_quality and https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_labels/Interface_translation aren't being used. I only see the English labels and they are not spaced well (Linux/Chromium browser).
arg! I'm sorry about that. We need to take those pages down as they are out of date. We now use https://translatewiki.net/ (specifically https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:Revision_scoring)
I wish I could just move your translations for you, but I can't. Would you be willing to work on translatewiki.net? I'll go add a notice to those pages that we don't work with them anymore. Sorry to waste your time :(
Thanks! Just created T157580: Deploy Romanian translations for Wiki labels so we can track the deployment of your translations.