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asw-d-codfw public1-vlan addition review (blocks gerrit2001)
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I've prepared a changeset on asw-d-codfw to add add the support for the public vlan in row d. (This doesn't cover router setup.)

robh@asw-d-codfw# show | compare 
[edit interfaces]
    interface-range vlan-private1-d-codfw { ... }
+   interface-range vlan-public1-d-codfw {
+       member ge-5/0/10;
+       unit 0 {
+           family ethernet-switching {
+               vlan {
+                   members public1-d-codfw;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+   }

It is uncommitted on the switch. I pinged in IRC to try to get review, but none of our net admins (or brandon) were about. If this looks good, please assign back to me, or feel free to commit my change on the switch!

Thanks in advance!

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RobH updated the task description. (Show Details)

Also I assumed Faidon, but if this wasn't best, and I should leave netops tasks unassgined in that project for triage, just let me know!

Yes, this sounds fine. If you don't know this already, a tip to make sure that the config is applying correctly is to run show interfaces ge-5/0/10 | display inheritance (edit mode, after these changes, works before commiting them too).

Thanks! Merged change.