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Nodepool quota bump
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The Nodepool pool tends to be quite busy during peaks hours. Over the last three weeks or so it has been quite noticeable. This task is to raise the pool from 19 instances to 25. New quotas should be:

RAM118784 kB


I got the list of current quotas from labnodepool1001.eqiad.wmnet via:

nova absolute-limits

Instances are m1.medium: 4GB RAM, 2 CPU, 40GB Disk

Nodepool max-server19 625
Quota skew22
Total23 629
OpenStack quotaCurrentNew
Instances23 629
RAM102 400k 16 384k118 784k
Cores44 1458

RAM detail:

  • 102400 kB = 25 instances * 4 GB/inst * 1024kB/GB
  • 118784 kB = 29 instances * 4 GB/inst * 1024kB/GB

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hashar updated the task description. (Show Details)
This task is to raise the pool from 19 instances to 25

Instances 29

102400 kB = 25 instances * 4 GB/inst * 1024kB/GB
 118784 kB = 29 instances * 4 GB/inst * 1024kB/GB

Is the request here a bump to 25 or 29?

I gave too much details I guess. The request is to bump the quota of instances to 29. That will let us have 25 instances + 2 snapshots +2 extra for potential quota madness.


| Field                | Value        |
| cores                | 44           |
| fixed-ips            | 200          |
| floating_ips         | 0            |
| injected-file-size   | 10240        |
| injected-files       | 5            |
| injected-path-size   | 255          |
| instances            | 23           |
| key-pairs            | 100          |
| project              | contintcloud |
| properties           | 128          |
| ram                  | 102400       |
| secgroup-rules       | 20           |
| secgroups            | 10           |
| server_group_members | 10           |
| server_groups        | 10           |
Andrew claimed this task.
Andrew subscribed.


And Chase kindly updated the Nodepool config via with:

max servers: 25

min jessie: 12

min trusty: 5

Thank you \o/