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The quiz extension displays a "feedback" text, which should not appear by default, on mobile
Closed, ResolvedPublic


the code

|| displayed text after click submit button

should display a text only after clicking the "submit" button. Except that there, it appears by default

Event Timeline

Hey David,

thanks for the report. We already fixed this in the repository. We are shipping the fix in the next release (which should happen tomorrow).

Unfortunately the bug happened because I tweaked things a bit and forgot to test that feature.

Mvolz triaged this task as High priority.
Trizek-WMF subscribed.

This feedback reports that the mobile version still have the problem.

This feedback reports that the mobile version still have the problem.

That's odd; it was a total revert to the previous state; maybe needs a refresh?

I also confirm that bug, I even tried to purge the page on mobile server-side.

It is very very odd. Are we sure that this worked before?

Also it should not be a problem anymore (I hope) with next release, feedback is disabled server side.

Anybody has any idea?

It is also unrelated with the other commit we shipped a few days ago, really no idea.

Hmm, I've checked and my mobile version is displaying the same problem too.

Mvolz renamed this task from The quiz extension displays a text that should not appear by default to The quiz extension displays a text that should not appear by default on mobile.Mar 9 2017, 1:59 PM

It is possible it never worked. Feedback was being hidden by a CSS class so if mobile CSS overwrote that it might have been a pre-existing bug....

Ironically I held back this latest fix until the next deploy train, which might have fixed it (since the feedback is now being generated server side instead of being hidden by CSS.)

This comment was removed by Mvolz.

I isolated the problem. The CSS does not get loaded on mobile (and probably some other resources).

Desktop: (CSS is there, look at the bottom)

tmpOeuTNz-save.png (643×756 px, 73 KB)

Mobile: (CSS is not there)
tmpVVBAA1-save.png (647×746 px, 51 KB)

So yeah, the problem was there before and nobody noticed I guess.

Weird. Well anyway, as you say, should fix this problem.

I tried some other things and the CSS otherwise seems to be working okay (like highlight the wrong answer in red)... I created a subtask but maybe we don't need it?

Mvolz renamed this task from The quiz extension displays a text that should not appear by default on mobile to The quiz extension displays a "feedback" text, which should not appear by default, on mobile.Mar 9 2017, 2:17 PM

Weird. Well anyway, as you say, should fix this problem.

I tried some other things and the CSS otherwise seems to be working okay (like highlight the wrong answer in red)... I created a subtask but maybe we don't need it?

It is definitely worth investigating. Especially because some other things like the Javascript might not get loaded on mobile (since they are loaded in the code in the same way).

Some of the other CSS seems to be working probably because that CSS is added inline to the HTML and not from the CSS file.

I think the task is needed, at least until we define the problem.

I tried to check it, but it seems to work fine now.

Screenshot -

phone.png (716×1 px, 201 KB)