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Deploy ORES late march
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Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-labs) [2017-03-28T15:58:13Z] <halfak> deployed ores-wmflabs-deploy:18beebf (T160638)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-03-29T20:16:45Z] <halfak@tin> Started deploy [ores/deploy@554ea12]: T160638

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-03-29T20:35:25Z] <halfak@tin> Finished deploy [ores/deploy@554ea12]: T160638 (duration: 18m 40s)

I'd there anything on hewiki that I can try now? :)

@Amire80 I'm not sure what the status of the beta feature is. But you can always play around with in the meantime. :)

@Ladsgroup, ^ when do you think you'll get the beta feature deployed for hewiki?

If it means to deploy something like on Portuguese and Polish Wikipedias, it would be OK. (Pinging @jmatazzoni and @Trizek.)

Oh good point. We're sort of in transition right now. Maybe we could just add hewiki to the ERI list :)

IIUC, ko.wp has the predictions? If so, I may contact them.

kowiki is basic support (only reverted model) but hewiki has now damaging model (advanced support).

kowiki is basic support (only reverted model) but hewiki has now damaging model (advanced support).

Ok, thanks. :)