Create an instance on wmflabs in the wikispeech project and install the TTS server manually. This will allow us to figure out the interaction between the TTS sever and the extension, without having to create a puppet role. It will also enable running the demo (T151786) entirely on wmflabs.
- Create instance
- Install TTS server
- Enable communication between TTS server and demo wiki, but disallow external access to the server
- Document
It turns out that it was not possible to limit access to the wiki, since the requests are sent from the client through javascript.
Creating an instance
Follow instructions on
- Log in to and go to the wikispeech project (in top bar).
- Compute → Overview and check that there are instances available.
- Create a Security Group:
- Compute → Access & Security → Create Security Group, Name: TTS-provider
- Manage Rules → Add Rule, Port: 10000, Remote: CIDR, CIDR:
- Compute → Access & Security → Create Security Group, Name: TTS-provider
- Open Launch Instance dialogue (Compute → Instances → Launch Instance):
- Details: only set Instance Name: wikispeech-tts
- Source: Select boot source: Image, under Available add ubuntu-14.04-trusty
- Flavor: Under Available add m1.medium (marytts uses ~ 1.1 GB on local machine)
- Security Groups: Under Available add default, TTS-provider, web-server
- Make services accessible through proxy, DNS → Web proxies → Create proxy
- Hostname: wikispeech-tts, Backend instance: wikispeech-tts, Backend port: 10000
- Hostname: wikispeech-tts-audio, Backend Instance: wikispeech-tts, Backend port: 80
To ssh to the new instance, see:
Install TTS server
The TTS server consists of three components: MaryTTS (TTS platform), pronlex (a pronunciation lexicon database) and wikispeech_mockup (wikispeech API).
Install MaryTTS
- Log into wikispeech-tts
- Install java: $ sudo apt install openjdk-7-jdk
- Create a user to run the server: $ sudo useradd -m tts-agent -p <password>.
- Become this user: $ sudo su - tts-agent
- Clone marytts-installer repo: $ git clone
- Follow instructions to install English voices
- Download needed STTS-voices from into /installed/ (e.g. voice-stts_sv_nst-hsmm-5.2-SNAPSHOT.jar)
- Install marrytts-lang-sv:
- Clone the forked maryTTS repo into stts_marytts: $ git clone stts_marytts
- Build: cd stts_marytts; ./gradlew build
- Copy Swedish language into marytts-installer: $ cp build/install/marytts/lib/marytts-lang-sv-6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../marytts-installer/installed/
- Delete stts_marytts: $ cd ..; rm -R stts_marytts
Install pronlex
These first steps need to be done with super user access, i.e. not as tts-agent:
- Install gcc: $ sudo apt-get install gcc
- Install build-essential: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
- Install Sqlite3: $ sudo apt install sqlite3
- Install go:
- Get the compatible version (1.7.4)
- Install: $ tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.7.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
As tts-agent, follow the instruction at
- Add export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin to .bashrc
- "Import lexicon files": Follow the instruction linked in II. Import lexicon files (command line)
Install wikispeech_mockup
Following instruction at
As user with super user access:
- Install the Prerequisites but skip the remaining steps
- Install opusenc: $ sudo apt install opus-tools.
As tts-agent:
- In home directory, clone $ git clone
- Create tmp directory in wikispeech_mockup: $ mkdir wikispeech_mockup/tmp
- Add host= to in (see:
Make audio files accessible
- Install apache: $ sudo apt install apache2
- Link the audio file directory in /var/www/html: $ cd /var/www/html; sudo ln -s ~/wikispeech_mockup/tmp/ audio
Audio files generated by the TTS should now be accessible through:
- Disallow access to non-opus files by adding a .htaccess-file in ~/wikispeech_mockup/tmp/ with the following content
<FilesMatch "\.*$"> Deny from all </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "\.opus$"> Order deny,allow Allow from all </FilesMatch>
- Remove directory listing by adding a index.html file in ~/wikispeech_mockup/tmp/ with something like the following content:
This is a service to serve Wikispeech audio files. There is really never any reason to see this page.
- To also display this page in the root directory (instead of apache default): $ cd /var/www/html/; sudo rm index.html; sudo ln -s audio/index.html
Update the server with the new path
- In ~/wikispeech_mockup/, change:
- In synthesise()
- audio_url = "%s/wikispeech_mockup/%s" % (hostname,opus_audio) + audio_url = "//" % (opus_audio)
- In saveAndConvertAudio()
- opus_url_suffix = re.sub("^.*/%s/" % tmpdir, "%s/" % tmpdir, tmpopus) + opus_url_suffix = re.sub("^.*/%s/" % tmpdir, "", tmpopus)
Start processes in screen
As user tts-agent:
- $ script /dev/null, needed to get screen running (
- Start MaryTTS
- $ cd ~/marytts-installer/
- $ ./marytts
- Create new window: ⌃+a, w
- Start pronlex
- $ cd ~/go/src/
- $ go run *.go
- Create new window
- Start
- $ cd ~/wikispeech_mockup/
- $ python3
You can now detach the screen ⌃+a, d and resume with $ screen -r. Note that $ script /dev/null is required to run screen each time you become tts-agent.