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border-color of standard table
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Hello, standard browser table has 'grey' color of border, I think we need to change it to #a2a9b1.

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@Iniquity what colors did you find, and where? This change should have been done already.

Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 5.50.03 PM.png (828×1 px, 189 KB)

It might be overridden in Wiki's Common.css (or vector.css)

@JGirault look at table, not wikitable.

table.jpg (636×1 px, 590 KB)

Sorry, my fault, wrong decription was.

Iniquity renamed this task from border-color of MediaWiki's standard table to border-color of standard table.Apr 4 2017, 7:43 AM
Iniquity updated the task description. (Show Details)

That part is not coming from Mediawiki, it's from the browser (note the "user agent stylesheet"). We can do that for all tables in Wikimedia enviroment but I'm not so sure.

That part is not coming from Mediawiki, it's from the browser (note the "user agent stylesheet"). We can do that for all tables in Wikimedia enviroment but I'm not so sure.

Yep, I'm not so sure also, but may be someone has another opinion.

Might be better taken care of in skin styles, especially Vector skin and MobileFrontend, *update 2019-04*: MinervaNeue.