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Are we inserting extra contribution tracking rows
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There are a lot of banner history log IDs that are associated with multiple ct rows. Almost 10% of the last 10,000 rows, in fact.

Are we creating spurious ct rows? That might explain a lot of the null referrers in T161539.

select dupes, count(*) from (
 select banner_history_log_id, count(*) as dupes
 from banner_history_contribution_associations
 where id > 11293000
 group by banner_history_log_id ) as subq
group by dupes;
| dupes | count(*) |
|     1 |     8905 |
|     2 |      703 |
|     3 |       98 |
|     4 |       42 |
|     5 |       21 |
|     6 |       12 |
|     7 |        8 |
|     8 |        5 |
|     9 |        3 |
|    10 |        1 |
|    11 |        1 |

Event Timeline

ggellerman moved this task from Triage to Q4 FY21-22 on the Fundraising-Backlog board.

Another symptom of this will be to exaggerate the dropoff between people hitting payments and people opening iframes onto payment processor sites.