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Consolidate IPA button
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(no iOS implementation)

Work on this consolidation should not begin until product buy in.

The Android implementation looks like this. The IPA pronunciation is hidden behind an icon:

screenshot-2017-05-22-09-54-43-595425220.png (2×1 px, 2 MB)

When the user taps on the icon, the pronunciation is shown:

screenshot-2017-05-22-09-54-53-073547819.png (2×1 px, 1 MB)

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Niedzielski added a subscriber: JMinor.

@JMinor, this will probably need some UI tweaks for iOS but seems like a feature you guys would want. Can you confirm?

Feedback from the field:

IPA is not always used in the lead, sometimes also inline, and that makes this particular integration a bit weird. See for instance

Another feedback is:

The icon indicates that this is a sound file, specifically of speech, but when you click on it there is no sound, only a large version of the IPA notation.

And we should probably add a note to the documentation of IPA templates, to specify that the class used in those templates is used to create this integration with mobile. The more of these very specific integrations we have, the harder it will be to keep track of.

Dbrant subscribed.

No longer hiding IPA in the full article view.