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Overview of UI Elements and their use (aka "styleguide", "frontend overview", "list" or "inventory")
Closed, InvalidPublic


Story: As a UI designer, I need to know which UI-elements/Widgets exist currently so I can design consistently
Story: As a new frontend-developer, I need to know which UI-elements/Widgets exist so I can find out what to build upon

Examples: OOUI Demo, Bootstrap Components,

Requirements for users

  • It should be easy to see different modes (Editing, …), ideally side by side
  • It should be easy to see several UI-Elements/widgets at once (antipattern: several clicks for seeing a specific UI/widgets or state of a widget)
  • It needs to be possible to provide annotations to explain which data it needs, which possible relations it has to other elements etc.

Requirements for development

  • It should be easy to update and/or autoupdate
  • There needs to have mock data

Note: this might be useful for possible future redesigns and/or trying out reactive frontend

Event Timeline

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Jan_Dittrich renamed this task from Overview of UI Elements and Data they get to Overview of UI Elements and their use (aka "styleguide" or "frontend overview") .May 10 2017, 9:45 AM

Possible platforms:

Jan_Dittrich renamed this task from Overview of UI Elements and their use (aka "styleguide" or "frontend overview") to Overview of UI Elements and their use (aka "styleguide", "frontend overview", "list" or "inventory") .Jun 20 2017, 1:19 PM

Closing this in vafor of all the design system work going on now.