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Icons, Indicators, Labels don't reflect documentation
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It seems that the documentation here,_Indicators,_and_Labels

no longer reflects the the full set of icons. Also, indicators seem to be handled as icons now and not as separate widgets.

full list of icons from demo:



Icons - movement

Icons - content

Icons - alerts

Icons - interactions

Icons - moderation

Icons - editing-core

Icons editing-styling

Icons editing-list

Icons editing-advanced

Icons media

Icons location

Icons - user

Icons - layout

Icons - accessibility

Icons - wikimedia

It seems like new code examples will need to be prepared for each of these icon category to be consistent with documentation template on the whole.

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In the description @Andrewjwritethedocs123 says:

It seems that the documentation here,_Indicators,_and_Labels
no longer reflects the the full set of icons. Also, indicators seem to be handled as icons now and not as separate widgets.

Yep. That screenshot is indeed out of date. Do you think it might be better to remove it and instead link to the demos in this case?

It seems like new code examples will need to be prepared for each of these icon category to be consistent with documentation template on the whole.

I don't think I understand what you're saying here.

TerraCodes renamed this task from icons, Indicators, Labels Don't Reflect Documentaion to Icons, Indicators, Labels Don't Reflect Documentaion.May 15 2017, 8:05 AM
Volker_E renamed this task from Icons, Indicators, Labels Don't Reflect Documentaion to Icons, Indicators, Labels don't reflect documentation.May 29 2017, 9:55 PM
Volker_E lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
Prtksxna closed this task as Resolved.EditedJun 26 2018, 9:19 AM

This mediawiki page now includes fewer screenshots of icons, and a direct link to the demo page.