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Make a tool to test section recommendations in editathon settings
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We need to put section recommendations in front of users and measure (what to be measured is to be defined) the effect of providing section recommendations. This experiment may likely be done as part of the upcoming editathons in collaboration with Florence et al. or it can be a larger scale controlled experiment. The details to be discussed, but either way, we need a tool for exposing these recommendations.

Pau has already provided designs for a GapFinder like interface that can surface articles to be expanded, and how section recommendations can be exposed to the user in T160177.

Timelines: Ideally, the development of the tool starts towards the end of September 2017 and finishes a couple of weeks after that. That will give us enough time to experiment, document, and submit the result of the experiment as part of T174736

Event Timeline

@DarTar I'll need some engineering resources for this task and I know it's a hard one, hence my question. How do you recommend I proceed? I need someone to start working on this task very soon, so we have the system ready for the last week of September or the first week of October. I can start pitching it to a few people outside of the team with the hope for mercy. ;)

@leila this is going to be a tough one since it requires familiarity with GapFinder's codebase. Happy to talk about possible interim solutions or for you to pitch :)

leila removed leila as the assignee of this task.Sep 8 2017, 12:26 AM
leila added a subscriber: bmansurov.

@bmansurov following up on our email back-and-forth:

I think a good place to start with GapFinder and how it works is

I'll ping Michele to join and comment on the input/output of the system for section recommendation.

@leila thanks for the ping. I'll be bold and assign the task to myself. I'll post updates here.

Pau has agreed to provide recommendations for the tool or user workflow in the order of a few hours during the quarter. We will have UX design resources if needed. \o/

@bmansurov In your mind, does creating a tool involve creating a Labs API as well? (We didn't discuss APIs but as I was thinking about the workflow I realized that in the past we have created APIs used by the tool so others can use the APIs for other purposes as well).

@leila, there's already an API for missing sections at It probably won't scale for many users, and we will have to re-write it in Node.js using

I've developed a gadget as part of T183043. Maybe we can merge this task into that one?