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Display error message and instrument when PDF download fails on mobile
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If an error occurs during PDF rendering that will cause the rendering to fail, we want to inform users so that they can try their download again.


  1. User selects download button
  2. PDF rendering fails
  3. System displays error message

Acceptance criteria

error-pdf.png (1×720 px, 271 KB)

  • Display toast message to user when rendering has failed
  • text: "There was a problem creating your PDF. Please try again."
  • Instrument the number of toast messages appearing to get:
  • number of errors displayed per day
  • number of error displayed per month

Event Timeline

A good service should never fail. Downloading a PDF is going to take considerably long. What's the workflow here @Nirzar ? We should work out the success case as well as the error case? How are we going to make sure people do not accidentally attempt to download more than one PDF?

bmansurov renamed this task from Display error message when PDF download fails on mobile to Display error message and instrument when PDF download fails on mobile.Oct 4 2017, 12:13 PM
bmansurov subscribed.

A good service should never fail. Downloading a PDF is going to take considerably long. What's the workflow here @Nirzar ? We should work out the success case as well as the error case? How are we going to make sure people do not accidentally attempt to download more than one PDF?

I'm no Nirzar, but I'd like to point out that this task is pretty well defined and the above questions belong to T163472: [EPIC] Provide a way to download articles in PDF on the mobile website.

Now that we will most likely be using the browser print - will we know when we have an error?

phuedx subscribed.

We're taking a different approach with T177215 (see T177215#3663123 onwards).