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Use grey for option row hover colour
Open, Needs TriagePublic


WikimediaUI was updated in the last year to use light grey for hover states and light blue for selected/active states on option widgets:

image.png (137×131 px, 4 KB)

CX is still using (an old) light blue, so this should be fixed:

image.png (451×450 px, 50 KB)

In the near future we should make the page list inherit from Select/OptionWidgets, so the design stays in sync with upstream changes, and respects skin settings (e.g. in Apex the highlight is blue).

Event Timeline

Note that there has been a design proposal about using a lighter blue “Accent90” as :hover color in T166560: Design (Menu) Option component

This patch has hacky methods it's using to make up for inability to transition gradients, so that gradient could stay unnoticed when the background color of list item transitions.

Methods used on gradient depend on current color (#eaf3ff), and please let me do this ticket, once there is agreed color we should use.