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Disconnect scoring repos to stop mirroring from GitHub
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We've been experimenting with git-lfs on GitHub, but the repos haven't updated correctly (hit the maximum size quotas), and we don't want this corruption or otherwise undeployable state mirroring into our Phabricator repos.

The repos are,

Furthermore, we want to be able to push hotfix patches to the WMF-hosted repos for the next week or two. Is this possible.

Once the repos have stabilized as git-lfs, and scap tooling can handle it, we'll want to switch back to mirroring, but probably with gitlab (no quota) upstreams.

Event Timeline

really UBN!? And is it done done?

(Also, please be careful of what tags are dragged along when creating sub-tasks.)

I think UBN was reasonable for this one. We realized that, should we have an issue in prod, our hands would have been (temporarily) tied. This is "done done", so I'll resolve.