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Create a simple mock for the front test page [twoColConflict]
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Background: We created a second prototype for solving edit conflicts which we want to compare to the current beta feature.

Idea: Since we have two different prototypes we'd like to have one page which explains that there are two and let the user proceed with one of them. After giving feedback we'd like to give the option and encourage to test the other prototype as well.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Here is what the start page of the simulation page could look like, so people can choose which resolving version they like to choose.
I could imagine, that clicking on the small preview would open the tutorial. What do you think?

Start-page.jpg (2×4 px, 1 MB)

Lea_WMDE subscribed.

Not doig a selection page anymore